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Torah Insights

Wheat Field

The month of Elul is a very important month in the Jewish calendar. It is the 12th and last month of the Jewish year, thus connecting this year with the next. It is also the month that leads up to the High Holidays Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Throughout the month we make sure to blow the Shofar, give charity, and recite special psalms every single day. We also say Selichot prayers towards the end of the month. One of the most significant things about the month of Elul is that is it the month when "The king is in the field". This means that leading up to the High Holidays "the king" G-d is accessible to everyone. During the holidays it is said that G-d is in his palace so to speak. Therefore, the month of Elul is a good time for anyone to approach G-d with their requests. Elul is also a time of introspection, a time when we should look within ourselves and figure out where we improved, and where we still need to improve.

-Sources: Elul info || Elul facts

The Holiday of Shavout celebrates thegiving of the torah to the Jewish people.Recieving the torah turned the Jewishpeople into the Jewish nation. It allowedus to take mitzvahs and bring them intothe physical world. Watch this video to findout more about this topic.-Source in video description.

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